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Hall and Patrick are a couple of Steroids.

Like the stuff weightlifters use to push them to their limits and beyond, companies use Hall and Patrick to pump their ideas into something real, strong, and visually explosive.

At face value both Hall and Patrick appear socially respectable and responsible, but beneath their sartorial veneer lies a collective imagination that challenges what you see. Devoid of greasy ponytails and entirely black wardrobes Hall and Patrick wear their creativity in their work.

With pen and pencil in hand they have erased the cubicle from which they were bred and drawn in the world as their office. Armed with ambition, ego and limitless talent I have watched them shape the future of automotive retailing in Paris, launch the next generation of military satellites in London, and create a show that moved from the inanimate to an experience that compelled Nelson Mandela to dance through the aisles in Johannesburg.

And yet I can't help thinking that this is just the beginning.

Graham English
Creative Director, Graham English and Company

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+44 (0) 1344 872620
+44 (0) 1344 872621

Enquiries:    +44 (0) 208 289 6147
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